
My Projects

How well do you know Joy

I made a quiz about myself (Joy)

Pokemon Quiz

I made a quiz about my childhood love (Pokemon)

Web Hosting

All my projects are pushed in my GitHub repository and are hosted online for live demo

My Portfolio

I have built my portfolio and hosted it online for people to see my proof of work

My Blogs

I have put my career transition journey into words if you care to read

Minion Speak

I have built a minion translator app to understand the concept of promises in JavaScript

Yoda Translator

I have built a minion translator app to understand the concept of promises in JavaScript


I built my first react.js app. This app interprets the emoticons

Poke Pedia

I built my second react.js app. This app interprets displays the type of every pokemon

Book Recommendation App

I built my third react.js app. This app recommend books based on genre

Cash Register App

This app I built tells the minimum number of notes to be returned

Luck With Birthdays

This fun app I built tells if your birthday is lucky or not

Fun With Triangles

This app I built is kind of a mini triangular quiz

Palindrome Birthdays

This fun app I built tells if your birthday is palindrome or not

Profit or Loss

This app I built tells how much of profit or loss you made with the stocks you purchased

More Projects

All my other projects can be checked out on my GitHub repository. Here's a link for my customized GitHub repository below