
My Blogs

My journey from being a born failure to an aspiring software developer: part-1

Y'all must have heard about genius and extremely bright kids making their way to colleges with big names and then to big companies. Their stories are inspirations for so many people out there. But honestly, it's not always that interesting to hear about their journey especially for those who've always been a failure throughout their lives because those successful kids were born geniuses who barely ever failed. These kinds of people require motivation from those read more...

My journey from being a born failure to an aspiring software developer: part-2

It was around October when I started doing my research on how to get started with coding. I came across a guy; let's name him Mr. R. How he got into coding, how he started making money and was able to help his mom with her operation, and started his own youtube channel was a huge inspiration for me. I kind of started following him closely and started following the same path he followed to become a freelance software developer so I took an online certification course for python and DSA as my new year resolution read more...

I live online, I m cryptocurrency

The simplest explanation is that cryptocurrencies are a form of digital money that allows you to make purchases online. Unlike regular currencies, they only live online and aren’t backed or controlled by read more...

Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrency mining includes two functions, namely: adding transactions to the blockchain (securing and verifying) and also releasing new currency. Mining needs a computer and a special program, which helps miners compete with their peers in solving read more...

What Happens On Television Should Stay On Television!!!

We all have noticed an annoying box with a cancel button at its rightmost corner. Want to know how u can deal with them...let's start! Ads are online advertising, also called online marketing or Internet advertising or web advertising, which is a form of marketing and advertising which read more...

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